Sunday, June 23, 2019

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - Daniel 3

There is ONE God.

Picture courtesy of Lambsongs.

Digital Resources

  •  The Beginner's Bible App  Stories:  Fiery Furnace (This app is good for several reasons.  As the text is read, each word is highlighted, so it's excellent for beginning readers.  This is an app version of The Beginner's Bible, so it's good to have the printed book for kids to use at home too. In class we wait until the text has been read and then take turns with the interactive parts.)
  • Bible for Kids App Stories:  No story

Video Resources

Print Resources
  • Beginner's Bible, "Fiery Furnace", page 247
  • My file flip story 
  • Shadrach, Meshack, and Abdnego printed from lambsongs
  • Adventure Bible Series, Facing the Blazing Fire

Prop Resources

  • Musical instruments
  • Crown


Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Written from Daniel 3 by Becca Walcher

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Into the fiery furnace you go!

Verse 1:
Well, King Nebuchadnezzar said,
“Bow down to my idol!” 
But Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said,
 “No!  It’s God alone whom we serve.”


Verse 2:
Well, King Nebuchadnezzar said,
“Heat up the fire and throw them in!
But they got up and walked around
 with one who looked like the Son of God.


Verse 3:
“Oh,” King Nebuchadnezzar said,
“Come on out of there.”
And they walked out and weren’t even burned
because God had taken care of them.



They Knew the Truth

Written by Mona Edwards

Ruth, Ruth,
She knew the truth.
She knew that there was one God.

Ruth, Ruth,
She knew the truth.
She knew that there was one God.

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
They knew that there was one God.

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
They knew that there was one God.

Ask:  How can you tell that they knew there was one God?


  • Fiery Furnace
  • "Man who looked like the son of God"  - Jesus is God's Son
  • idol
  • Faithfulness (Fruit of the Spirit)

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Picture Resources

Free Pictures  

Art Resources

  • To remove a background from a picture, use .
  • To change the background of a picture, continue on to 
  • To enlarge a picture into a free poster made up of several sheets of paper, use Block Posters. This is handy for art projects. You can only do this with .jpgs.
  •  Use Deep Art Effects app to explore photo in different art styles, to identify shadows and lights more clearly, etc.  The free version may offer all you need.  
    • Download app. (I don't know if there is an android version.)
    • Pick a picture from your Gallery.
    • Choose style.  You can choose as many styles as you want that are unlocked.  Once you choose a style, wait for style to be generated.  You can adjust the style for your picture by clicking on style again and and moving the circle to see your favorite degree of that style with your picture. If you don't like anything, click cancel.  If you do like something, click apply. 
    • You can't print from here, but you can save to your device by clicking the floppy icon.  It will say that it is saved to your library. If you can't find your picture, go to your files (icon is a folder) and click on the picture.  Click the Arrow in box icon at top right.  Choose Save Image.  It should be in your photos now.
NOTE:  I have NOT previewed all of these pictures.  Also, Internet is ever changing.  Please use good judgement and preview and select images BEFORE sharing with children.  

Font Resources   

 Go to (This is not a type-o.  They intentionally have 2 t's in creation.) and pick a free font.  Download it.  Click on your download icon (Mine looks like a downward arrow pointing to a bracket). Click on the downloaded font to open it.  Click on Extract All. Click Extract.  (Mine downloads to the download folder.)  Close the screen.  Go check it out by opening a program that uses text. Choose your font for text and see how it does.



Thursday, June 6, 2019

Joshua, Battle of Jericho, Joshua 5-6

Digital Resources

  • The Beginner's Bible App  Stories:  "The Battle of Jericho" (This app is good for several reasons.  As the text is read, each word is highlighted, so it's excellent for beginning readers.  This is an app version of The Beginner's Bible, so it's good to have the printed book for kids to use at home too. In class we wait until the text has been read and then take turns with the interactive parts.)
  • Bible for Kids App Stories"Waters Part and Walls Fall, Entering The Promised Land"

Video Resources

Print Resources
  • Beginner's Bible, "The Battle of Jericho", page 132
  • Toot! Toot! (The Fall of Jericho) by Mary Manz Simon 
  • Bible Flip-Stix (Flipbook), The Walls of Jericho
  • Joshua and the Battle of Jericho by Lambsongs that can be printed

Prop Resources

  • March
  • Toot horns -- 1) You can take the bottom out of some paper cups and use them or 2) roll up some paper and tape in place, or make a party horn.

    Bible Songs, "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho" Audio

    Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Lyrics

    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.
    Joshua fought the battle of Jericho,
    and the walls came a-tumbling down.
    You may talk about your men of Gideon.
    You may talk about the men of Saul;
    but there's none like good old Joshua
    at the battle of Jericho (that mornin').
    Up to the walls of Jericho
    they marched with spears in hand.
    "Come blow them ram horns, " Joshua said
    "'Cause the battle is in *God’s hands."
    Then the lamb ram sheep horns began to blow.
    The trumpets began to sound.
    Joshua commanded the children to shout
    And the walls came a-tumbling down.
     *I changed Our to God’s

    • Rams' horns
    • Promised Land 
    • Tumbling down