Wednesday, September 4, 2019

God Provided All Stories

Day 2 of Creation
GOD Provides All Bible Stories:

Creation, Days 1 & 2
Creation, Day 3
Creation. Day 4
Creation, Day 5
Creation, Day 6 & Review
Adam & Eve
Work- God worked and He provided work for people
The No-No Tree
Baby Jesus
Wise Men
Tower of Babel
Manna and birds in the Wanderings
Elijah — God provided water and had ravens bring food to Elijah
Elijah and the widow —God provided endless oil and flour
David & Goliath, I Samuel 17
Gideon’s Army, Judges 6-7
Food from Heaven, Exodus 16
Elijah fed by ravens (God sent the ravens) , I Kings 17
The Red Sea and Pillar of Fire, Exodus 14